On the twenty-year anniversary of the scholar lecture at the Physical Education Special Interest Group (SIG) invisible college (at the American Education Research Association (AERA) special meeting) four former scholars – Steve Silverman, Tom McKenzie, Mary O’Sullivan and David Kirk – explored the state of the field. The notion and the contribution of Sport Pedagogy were discussed from multiple perspectives and through multiple voices but my main take home messages were as follows. While we are an ever growing field with more active researchers than any time previously we have yet to find a means through which we can meaningful influence teaching and learning in physical education. Yes, there has been some fantastic work done and a classroom, school and regional level but fundamentally teachers are fairly keen on maintaining the status quo around practice. While others in the audience may have taken a different message home I was struck by our apparent inability, as a field, to find a forum through which we can engage in meaningful conversations with practitioners. I don’t think this is a unique problem to physical education but the practitioners I have talked to certainly don’t have the means, or in some cases the desire, to wade through research. Therefore I wonder how we go about mobilising the increasing bodies of knowledge that we are gathering and exploring so that we can have a meaningful and sustained impact of policy and practice in the field that everyone in the SIG is so passionate about? So I challenge myself – and you – to in the words of Ann Lieberman we need to “Get over the high status of research and the low status of practice” and ““help people get a hold on their practice.”